New Exhibition

Jean-Pierre got married... and now he is (even) more picky!

Jean-Pierre is back at Merci. After opening the doors of his well-thought-out and terribly selective wardrobe to us, our favorite Parisian is living a new chapter: marriage. A magical moment indeed, but also a source of anguish for our eternally indecisive man. And for good reason: his wife, Micheline, is already stealing his precious clothes!

To celebrate this great change, Merci presents an exhibition inspired by this intertwined couple, with a fashion selection where every piece could be shared. And for the occasion, Merci is also unveiling new items from its latest collection: timeless essentials like the Lola and Nora T-shirts, Caden polo shirts and Maximilien cardigan. Micheline adopts them all, twists them and embeds them in her wardrobe. Jean-Pierre thought he was buying for himself, but he may never see them again.

Merci - Polo Caden Stripes - Vert
Merci - Caden Stripes Polo - Green 95 €
Merci - Casquette Non Merci - Lila & Orange
Merci - Non Merci cap - Lila & Orange 55 €
Merci - T-Shirt Nora Stripes - Vert
Merci - Nora Stripes T-Shirt - Green 89 €
Merci - Bandana Ars Vivendi Virtus Est - Rose
Merci - Bandana Ars Vivendi Virtus Est - Pink 40 €

On the interior side

We find Merci bed linen inspired by Brutalism, the Lady Anne coffee maker from KnIndustrie, and Robinson leather notebooks. So many objects carefully selected for him, and especially for her.

From March 3, join the Jean-Pierre Picky exhibition under the dome at Merci, to discover this selection designed for two.

Cafetière Lady Anne
Lady Anne coffee maker 90 €
Mug Vintage Drum
Vintage Drum Mug 55 €
Taie d'oreiller en lin lavé - Jaune le Caire
Washed linen pillowcase - Cairo Yellow 45 €
Chariot à rivets - Frama
Rivet cart - Frama 1.220 €

111 Boulevard Beaumarchais, Paris 3